Introducing Higher Ed Live

I am so excited to finally be able to announce the launch of Higher Ed Live! Higher Ed Live is a brand new LIVE weekly web show focused on the emerging role of social media and digital media marketing in higher education. Hosted by yours truly, the show will broadcast live every Sunday at 7 p.m. EST. Each week’s episode will feature exclusive interviews with web and marketing professionals from colleges and universities across the country, and provide viewers with direct access to some of the best and brightest minds from the world’s leading tech firms. Tackling a different topic each week, it is my sincere hope that Higher Ed Live can be both fun and a valuable resource to higher ed professionals around the globe.

So what do you think? Have an idea for a topic or guest? Want to come on the show yourself? Leave me a comment and let me know! In the meantime, check out the below video for some more information.

Tune in for Episode #1
What Facebook Places Means for Higher Ed
Sunday, September 12 7 p.m. EST
Guest: Tim Nekritz, SUNY Oswego
Plan to Attend


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21 responses to “Introducing Higher Ed Live

  1. Ron

    Stop pointing your finger at me.

  2. Great idea, looking forward to watching, love your blog. I use social media in the classroom often and also encourage interns to use it for their careers–an invaluable resource on all levels.

    • sethodell

      Thanks, Margaret! If you tune in on Sunday, let me know what you think! I’m glad you find the blog useful and would love your feedback on the show 🙂

  3. Hey! I’m super psyched about your new project. I’ll have to come on with my boss sometime!

  4. Pingback: Introducing Higher Ed Live - A New Sunday Night Web Show | .eduGuru

  5. Really looking forward to Higher Ed Live. I will be sure to tune & spread the word around.

  6. Very excited to see the new show. Will episodes be archived for later viewing?

    • sethodell

      Yup! Every episode will be archived at We’re putting together a weekly mailing list as well. So, if you can’t tune in live you can always catch up later in the week.

  7. Ed Potter

    Sounds like a great topic, Seth. I would be interested to get on the mailing list for this, and will definitely look forward to the broadcast.

  8. john

    I propose one episode interviewing communications departments that *aren’t* using digital marketing and social media to hear why.

    • sethodell

      That’s a really interesting idea John. If someone’s willing to step up and defend why they don’t embrace digital marketing I’m all for it!

  9. Thanks so much for organizing this! I’d love to be a guest on your show. I could talk about various topics, but would love to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of online lead generation in Higher Ed. The for-profit colleges have been using online lead gen for quite some time and the not-for-profit colleges are just starting to realize the potential. Online lead gen can be very effective, but unfortunately there are a lot of unscrupulous practices that colleges need to be aware of. Here are a few resources I’ve created previously on this topic:

    Also, is there a way to be notified when you have a new show scheduled and will you be posting recordings of the show? Let me know. Thanks!-Elizabeth

    • sethodell


      That’s a great topic idea. I will definitely keep it in mind!

      As for the show schedule, you can get detailed info about each upcoming episode at the bottom left of or by checking out our Plancast page at For the most part, I’ll be going live every Sunday night at 7 p.m. (EST) unless otherwise noted.

      Every episode will be recorded and archived right at Starting on Monday, the site will feature an “episodes” section where you can browse by date or topic.

      Glad you’ll be tuning in!

  10. Kegan Sims

    This sounds pretty awesome! My only regret is not finding it before the first episode. Good luck, I can’t wait to watch/learn.

  11. shares, and issues a very nice site very good thanks a lot this site has always been like that admins will get the best always come to this site.

  12. I will be sure to tune & spread the word around.

  13. If you tune in on Sunday, let me know what you think

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